
Human and environmental safety is the critical point in the construction and operation of pipelines. For our clients - blue-chip companies in the international energy and pipeline markets - high-pressure-resistant pipeline safety is a non-negotiable and absolutely basic requirement. Our custome rs want the assurance that their pipelines are safe.

Non-destructive testing and reliable determination of guaranteed pressure resistance is the safety "passport" for pipeline construction. The tests of imperviousness and strength conducted by RAS using air, gas and water are our most important tasks in the pre-commissioning of pipelines.

Functional and operational safety, limitation or avoidance of stresses, as well as reliable checking of system design, manufacture, laying and choice of materials are the criteria that will determine safe, cost-efficient deployment.

RAS pressure tests are conducted under operating conditions - but with extremes of pressure that would never occur during system operation. The tests, reports and documentation comply with certified specifications. With our RAS test report, pipeline safety is exactly what we stand for. And our clients feel good, because they know they made the right choice.